A collection of C++ tools to work with Pauli matrices in the binary symplectic representation.


PauliTools is a set of libraries useful for working with Pauli strings. The code is written in C++ and takes full advantage of the symplectic binary representation of Pauli strings. Current capabilities include generating the Hamiltonian algebra (AKA Dynamical Lie Algebra) of a set of Pauli strings.

This the algorithm can be found in:

Fixed Depth Hamiltonian Simulation via Cartan Decomposition Efekan Kökcü, Thomas Steckmann, J. K. Freericks, Eugene F. Dumitrescu, Alexander F. Kemper Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 070501 (2022)


How to run?

The PauliTools package uses the CMake build system (CMake version ≥ 3.16). The recommended way of building PauliTools is as follows:

  1. Install

     git clone https://github.com/kemperlab/PauliTools.git
  2. CMake

     cd PauliTools
     mkdir build
     cd build
     cmake ..
     make -j8
  3. Run tests


Developers - NC State University

Many thanks to Roel van Beeumen for his help with CMake